How To Use Free Wi-Fi at LAX
WiFi Logo

LAX is pleased to offer unlimited free Wi-Fi to help you stay connected while traveling through our airport. Free Wi-Fi is available in the public areas of ALL terminals.

Our Wi-Fi service allows passengers to enjoy unlimited 45-minute sessions of free Wi-Fi access. Passengers using this free service will be presented with an ad or a short video (15 to 30 seconds) before unlimited Wi-Fi access begins.

To connect to the free Wi-Fi service, follow these 4 simple steps:
  • Set wireless network to _LAX Free WiFi
  • Launch a web browser on your device
  • Select Free Unlimited Wi-Fi to begin your session
  • Watch a 30-second advertisement


In addition to free access, passengers may choose higher speed service with the following options for premium access:

  • 24 consecutive hours on up to 4 devices anywhere in the world (Boingo monthly subscription)
  • Unlimited Wi-Fi Access to over one million hotspots in the world for $4.98 your first month, then $14.99/month thereafter (Boingo monthly subscription)

If you have questions please contact the Wi-Fi helpdesk at  

+1-800-880-4117 or visit

Thank you for visiting us at LAX!