Public Feedback

LAX Infoline (855) 463‑5252 │ Email 
LAX Parking Infoline (310) 646‑2911 │ Email 
For TTY, please call California Relay Service at (800) 735‑2929 
24-hour LAX Construction Hotline (310) 649‑LAWA (5292) │ Email 


Please select the appropriate comment form from the list below to expedite assistance. Thank you for your feedback!

1 General Comment Form

To help you obtain information as quickly as possible, we have compiled this list of questions frequently asked by travelers and other visitors. If you still have questions after reviewing this information, please feel free to send us your comment about the airport by filling in the information below.

For comments to other City of Los Angeles departments, click here.

2 LAX Ground Transportation Comment Form

In our efforts to provide quality ground transportation services at LAX, we welcome your comments and/or complaints.


3 LAX Parking Comment Form

Complete this form if you have a concern, comment or suggestion you would like to share about parking in LAX.


4 Travelers with Disabilities Feedback Form

Complete this form if you have a concern, comment or suggestion you would like to share with our DISABILITY OFFICE. Please use the Public Feedback form if your submission is not related to a traveler with a disability. If this is in reference to an incident you experienced at the airport please provide as much information as possible such time, date, location, name(s), etc. This will help us in investigating the matter.




Other Lost and Found Inquiries:

Airline - Lost suitcase or items left on an aircraft, click here.
Dining & Shopping, click here.
Transportation, click here.

LAX shuttle buses are operated by ABM (424) 273-7266

  • Greenline, ADA Airline Connector & Employee (ABM)
  • Economy Lot E (310) 893-4676

1-866-iFlyLAX for flyaway concerns (lost and found)

U.S. Customs – Lost Passports (310) 665-4560


6. LAX Construction Hotline

Have a comment, questions or concern about LAX Construction? You can call, email or fill out the following form and we will respond.

7. LAX Gold Stars

At LAX, we strive to create LAXceptional Xperiences for all of our guests.
If you’ve received gold-star service from any of our employees, we’d love to hear about it!

For comments and suggestions regarding this website, please send your emails to the LAWA Webmaster.