ADA Information - Category Page

    Wheelchairs and Medical

      A first aid station is located on the Upper/Departures Level of Tom Bradley International Terminal, and is open every day from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Call (310) 215-6000. In emergencies, contact any airport employee or call LAX Airport Police at (310) 646-7911 (voice) or (310) 417-0439 (TTY).

      Reliant Immediate Care serves LAX. It is located Northeast end of the Airport at 5901 W Century Blvd, physicians are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For information, call (310) 620-1642. 

      Nearby hospitals provide 24-hour emergency service near the airport.

      To obtain travel immunizations or other nonemergency needs, Reliant Immediate Care Group serves LAX. It is located at 5901 W. Century Blvd., physicians are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For information, call (310) 215-6000.

      There are no facilities at the airport to rent oxygen for individuals waiting for connecting flights.  However, there is a company, APRIA (310) 297-6986, that provides oxygen and can deliver to LAX.  Make certain you know your flow rate because they will need this information.  

      There are no facilities at the airport to rent oxygen for individuals waiting for connecting flights.  However, there is a company, APRIA (310) 297-6986, that provides oxygen and can deliver to LAX.  Make certain you know your flow rate because they will need this information.  


      Picture of Medical Oxygen

      NOTE: Neither Los Angeles World Airports nor Los Angeles International Airport recommend any provider of medical oxygen. The company listed above is provided for your convenience only. You should check the internet or with your medical oxygen provider to see if they know of a company that delivers medical oxygen for use by passengers at airports.

      International travelers requiring medical oxygen in a terminal while waiting for a connecting flight should arrange with their airline to accept the oxygen container upon its delivery to the airport and upon your departure. 

      Unfortunately the Airport cannot recommend individual oxygen service companies.  However you can look in the internet using the terms “TRAVEL OXYGEN”, where you can find companies that deliver oxygen to many airports around the world.

      The following tips are recommended by TRAVEL OXYGEN NEWS at


      1. Planning is key. Don’t purchase an airline ticket without first knowing the oxygen policy of your preferred airline. Know that some airlines DO provide oxygen during some flights, not all. Know that the airline will only provide oxygen on the plane, NOT at the airport. A Gate Pass can be obtained for someone to escort a person using oxygen at the airport. Don’t be discouraged about having to setup arrangements for your travel oxygen needs. Traveling with oxygen can definitely be accomplished, with the proper planning.

      2. Always travel with a copy of your prescription for oxygen as well as any other medication. If you are in need of additional equipment, you will be ready. Be sure to have multiple copies, just in case.

      3. If you are relying on a company to deliver oxygen equipment to you when you arrive at a specific location at a specific time, be sure to get it in writing. Have a 24hr contact name and telephone number ready in case you can not locate equipment, or if additional service is needed.

      4. Be educated on the oxygen equipment that is available to you. If you have never used Liquid Oxygen before, learning how to fill a portable unit from a reservoir in your cabin on the first day of a cruise is not the time to do so. If you are traveling internationally, know exactly what’s available to you and where to get it. In Italy, for instance, Liquid Oxygen is the most common equipment. Talk to your local oxygen provider about education on Liquid Oxygen prior to traveling to Italy. When using a Portable Oxygen Concentrator, know that if you’re not plugged into a wall or car outlet, you must only rely on battery power. Having enough batteries for your trip is vital.  

      5. Always consult your physician prior to traveling with oxygen. Flying and traveling to higher altitudes can affect the way you use therapeutic oxygen.


      Persons who use a portable dialysis machine, may transport it aboard an aircraft. A portable dialysis machine does not count towards a passenger’s carry-on limit. 

      Carriers must give portable dialysis machines brought in the cabin of an aircraft stowage priority over other items brought onto the aircraft. 

      Carriers may not charge a fee to carry a portable dialysis machine onboard an aircraft or in the baggage compartment. 

      Go to the following web site for more information on portable dialysis machine policy: Portable Dialysis Machine Notice 

      Check the internet under: WHEELCHAIR RENTAL LOS ANGELES

      Ground Transportation

        Eligible visitors will be served for a period of 21 days - during any 12 month period. Individuals from outside Los Angeles County service area who currently use Paratransit service in their city, are eligible for complementary paratransit service as a visitor.

        Many major airport-area hotels provide courtesy transportation from LAX terminals. Stops for shuttles for hotels are located on the Upper/Departures Level identified by RED curbside pylons.

        If you are staying at an airport-area hotel, we recommend you contact the hotel ahead of time to see if they have accessible van service. Not all hotels provide accessible service.

        LAX FlyAway® buses offer convenient regularly scheduled round- trips, seven days a week, between each terminal at LAX.

        All FlyAway® buses drop off passengers on the Upper/Departures Level of each terminal at LAX. Passengers board buses on the Lower/Arrivals Level in front of each terminal at the BLUE “LAX FlyAway” signs. Each bus is marked with its service location.

        For locations and on-line ticketing information, please visit LAX FlyAway


        Click the image above for Waiting Area Map


        Frequent, courtesy shuttle service is provided between terminals to assist travelers in getting from one terminal to another for airline connections (A Route). Shuttle service is also provided to and from the Metro Rail Green Line Aviation Station (G Route).To use our shuttle service, travelers should board the LAX Shuttle under the LAX Shuttle & Airline Connections PINK sign on the Lower/Arrivals Level curbside in front of each terminal.

        ADA and Airline Connector FAQs

        LAX Shuttle & Airline Connection

        Click the image above for Waiting Area Map


        LAXit service is a courtesy shuttle service that takes ride-share app and taxi passengers from each terminal to the LAXit Lot. The shuttle service stops at every terminal approximately every 10 minutes. To use this shuttle service, travelers should board the shuttle at the green LAXit sign pillar on the Lower/Arrivals Level curbside in front of each terminal. People with disabilities and senior citizens are always welcome. The shuttle buses are equipped with wheelchair lift or ramp and have two wheelchair tie-down positions. Assistance is available for individuals utilizing other mobility equipment. Please note that seating capacity may be reduced and service may be delayed during COVID-19 condition and the need to meet social distancing requirement.


        LAXit service is a courtesy shuttle service that takes ride-share app and taxi passengers from each terminal to the LAXit Lot. The shuttle service stops at every terminal approximately every 10 minutes. To use this shuttle service, travelers should board the shuttle at the green LAXit sign pillar on the Lower/Arrivals Level curbside in front of each terminal. People with disabilities and senior citizens are always welcome. The shuttle buses are equipped with wheelchair lift or ramp and have two wheelchair tie-down positions. Assistance is available for individuals utilizing other mobility equipment. Please note that seating capacity may be reduced and service may be delayed during COVID-19 condition and the need to meet social distancing requirement.

        Eligible visitors will be served for a period of 21 days - during any 12 month period. Individuals from outside Los Angeles County service area who currently use Paratransit service in their city, are eligible for complementary paratransit service as a visitor.


        Man driving Access Paratransit ADA accessible van

        If you use this service in your area, you may be eligible to use the service in Los Angeles. 

        Access is the service name of the ADA Complementary Paratransit service for functionally disabled individuals in Los Angeles County. Access transportation service is available for any ADA paratransit eligible individual to any location within ¾ of a mile of any fixed bus operated by the Los Angeles County public fixed route bus operators and within ¾ of a mile around METRO Rail stations during the hours that the systems are operational.

        For more information:


        As an Access Paratransit rider, you are eligible for ADA Paratransit service outside of Los Angeles County. The ADA says you can have 21 days of visitor status (in any 12 month period) in areas outside our service area. Please call the ADA Paratransit system in the area you will be visiting for more information. Access Services will forward your ADA eligibility information to an out-of-area service provider upon request.

        Visitor Information

        Eligible visitors will be served for a period of 21 days - during any 12 month period

        Individuals from outside Los Angeles County service area will be served by Access Paratransit as ADA Visitors if they are unable to use accessible, fixed route transportation services due to disability related functional limitations. 
        According to ADA regulations, an individual residing outside of the area served by Access Paratransit is eligible for complementary paratransit service as a visitor. 

        If the individual presents documentation of ADA paratransit eligibility from his or her home jurisdiction. 
        If the individual has no such documentation (of ADA paratransit eligibility), then the individual is to provide documentation of residence outside of L.A. County and, if the individual’s disability is not apparent, proof of the disability. This might include, for example, a letter from a doctor. 

        To request visitor status, contact Access Customer Service by phone, mail, fax, or text phone. Please be prepared to give: 

        Information verifying eligibility as an ADA eligibility from outside of Los Angeles County or
        Evidence of disability as described in 2a and 2b above. 
        Expected dates when visitor desires to use Access. 
        Access Customer Service will process the application promptly. 
        The visitor will be notified of the determination regarding status as an ADA eligible visitor and if eligible, information will be entered into the rider database.
        THE FARE

        The Access Services fare must be paid at the time you get in the vehicle with the exact cash fare, Access Services coupons or with MTA bus tokens. Drivers cannot give change. Effective July 1, 2009, your one-way fare is based on the distance you travel. The Reservationist will tell you your fare when you schedule your trip.




        0 to 19.9


        20 or greater


        REMINDER: Access Services drivers do not accept credit cards, tips, or gratuities. Please do not offer.


        Departing passengers 
        Disabled passengers are dropped off on the UPPER/DEPARTURES level.
        Accessible drop-off points are found throughout the UPPER/DEPARTURE level for disabled travelers who may require the use of an accessible ramp. These locations are identified by blue signs with the International Symbol of Accessibility (ISA) and wording that reads “PASSENGER LOADING ZONE ONLY.”

        Arriving passengers 
        Arriving passengers can meet their ride on the LOWER/ARRIVALS level outer median.


        Passenger Pickup Signage

        ACCESS SERVICES / PARATRANSIT passenger pick-up points are located at the terminal curbside identified by the “Access Paratransit-Passenger Loading Zone”

        Curb sign that indicates loading passengers with disability

        NOTE: Some terminals have more than one PASSENGER LOADING ZONE with the ISA symbol. It is therefore suggested you tell your ride that you are at the first sign in front of the terminal, middle sign or the sign at the far end of the terminal.

        Free shuttle bus service is provided from the Metro Green Line Aviation Station. Passengers wishing to use this shuttle bus service should wait at the PINK LAX Shuttle sign on the Lower/Arrival Level in front of each terminal, and board the "M" Shuttle.

        Passengers also can take the "Lot South/City Bus Center" Shuttle from the same pick-up point to get to the LAX City Bus Center, where they can board city buses serving the Los Angeles area. Information on city bus services is available by telephone on the Information Display Board in the baggage claim area in each terminal. In addition, passengers can obtain local transit information by calling 323.GO.METRO or 323.466.3876.

        Other public bus authorities serving LAX are Culver City Bus Lines, Santa Monica Big Blue Bus, and Torrance Transit. (Click on each bus line name for contact information.) Passengers can pick up these buses at the LAX City Bus Center.


        LAX Shuttle & Airline Connection

        Click the image above for Waiting Area Map


        The following rental car companies are permitted to pick-up and drop-off their customers at the airport terminals using courtesy shuttles:














        These companies are allowed to meet arriving customers under the PURPLE sign "Rental Cars" on the Lower/Arrivals Level islands outside baggage claim.

        Hotel & Parking Lot Shuttle

        Click the image above for Waiting Area Map


        Remote Rental Car Depot Service
        The following rental car companies are required to meet customers at the Remote Car Rental Depot located at the intersection of Century and Airport Boulevards. Customers should wait at the PINK LAX Shuttle sign on the Lower/Arrivals Level in front of each terminal and board the Metro Connector Shuttle .

        LAX Shuttle & Airline Connection

        Click the image above for Waiting Area Map





        Accessible Vans of America 
        888-282-8267 Toll Free 
        610-296-7203 Fax 

        Accessible Van Rentals nationwide. 

        Alamo Rent A Car 
        800-651-1223 Toll Free 
        800-522-9292  TTY

        Alamo will maintain a dedicated 24-hour toll-free number (800) 651-1223 for their customers with disabilities, including customers with mobility impairments, such as wheelchair users. In order to reserve a vehicle and/or to discuss options for traveling between airport terminals and off-site Alamo rental car lots, a customer should call the designated toll-free number to speak to an agent who is trained and experienced in providing options for customers with special travel needs. 

        Hand control-equipped vehicles are available for rental at all Alamo USA and Canada locations for handicapped customers. These vehicles must be requested in advance through Alamo's Reservation Services Desk at 800-651-1223 or 561-912-2710. 

        Avis Rent A Car 
        800-331-1212 Toll Free 
        800-331-2323 TTY 

        Through the Avis Cares® Program, they provide a full range of products and services for our drivers or passengers with disabilities including cars with hand controls. 

        *Avis & Scootaround Rental Program - Scootaround and Avis are provide electric mobility scooters and wheelchairs for use while traveling in many US cities. Scooters and wheelchairs can be disassembled for trunk storage are perfect for business or vacation travel. Contact Toll-Free hotline at 1-888-441-7575.

        Budget Rent A Car 
        888-221-1203 Toll Free 
        800-826-5510 TDD

        As part of Budget's commitment to meet the needs of customers with disabilities, their services include, at no extra cost, hand controls as well as four assistive and adaptive devices - spinner knobs, transfer boards, swivel seats and panoramic mirrors. Although many Budget locations carry these items as part of their regular inventory, demand can vary. Customers with disabilities - or their drivers - are encouraged to reserve assistive devices within 48 hours of car pickup. In the U.S., please call 888-221-1203 for details and confirmation. 

        Dollar Rent A Car 
        800-800-3665 Toll Free 
        800-232-3301 TTY

        Dollar has rental cars designed to meet the needs of physically challenged drivers. Cars are available at most locations with a 24-hour notice. Drivers requiring driving aids to operate a vehicle, please call 800-800-3665. There is no additional charge for an additional authorized driver for non-driving disabled renters. 

        Easter Seals Project ACTION 
        1425 K St., NW, Ste. 200 
        Washington, DC 20005 

        800-659-6428 Toll-free 
        202-347-3066 Voice 
        202-347-7385 TDD 
        202-737-7914 Fax

        Information on public transit operators, van rental companies, accessible taxis, airport transportation, hotel-motel shuttles and more. 

        Enterprise Rent-A-Car 
        800-325-8007 Toll Free 
        866-534-9270 TTY

        Enterprise Rent-A-Car provides specialized options for their customers with disabilities. Mobility devices such as left hand controls with spinner knobs and left foot accelerators are available at no additional charge. Enterprise requires two business days notice to reserve a car with mobility devices. For more information or to make a reservation call the National Reservation Center at (800) 325-8007 

        800-654-3131 Toll Free 
        800-654-2280 TDD

        A full range of special services for physically challenged renters are available to both the Hertz customer and any member of the traveling party. These include hand controls, spinner knobs, accessible parking, easy access buses and more. Direct Link to Hertz's Services for the Physically Challenged web page. 

        National Car Rental 
        888-273-5262 Toll Free 
        800-328-6323 TTY

        National maintains a dedicated 24-hour toll-free number (888) 273-5262 for their customers with disabilities, including customers with mobility impairments, such as wheelchair users. In order to reserve a vehicle and/or to discuss options for traveling between airport terminals and off-site National rental car lots, a customer should call the designated toll-free number to speak to an agent who is trained and experienced in providing options for customers with special travel needs. Hand control-equipped vehicles are available for rental at all National Car Rental locations in the US and Canada. These cars must be requested in advance by calling 888-273-5262 

        Wheelchair Getaways 
        P.O. Box 5591 
        Lynnwood, WA 98046 

        800-642-2042 Reservations 
        800-536-5518 Toll Free  

        Accessible Van Rentals - 866-846-8029 -Oklahoma Toll Free 
        Oklahoma Voice: 405-285-5380 
        Oklahoma Fax: 405-285-5380



        Ace Rent A Car

        Airport Van Rentals


        Green Motion Car Rental


        Next Car of Los Angeles

        NÜ Car Rentals

        Priceless of Los Angeles

        State Van Rental

        U-Save Car & Truck Rental

        Scheduled buses provide service from LAX to various parts of Los Angeles and some surrounding regions. For example: Universal Studios, Knott’s Berry Farm, and all Disneyland Anaheim resort hotels. Passengers are encouraged to contact the companies first for more information. These buses pick up passengers on the Lower/Arrival Level islands in front of each terminal under the ORANGE sign Shared Rides.


        Remember to verify accessibility when contacting these bus companies to make reservations. 


        Click here for more information 

        Shared Ride Vans

        Click the image above for Waiting Area Map




        When making a reservation, let the shuttle van company know if you need an accessible van.

        For information click here.

        When making a reservation, let the shuttle van company know if you need an accessible van.

        For information click here.

        Taxis are located at LAX-it. Passengers for taxicab services may walk or ride the free convenient shuttle to LAX-it. Passenger should wait at the GREEN LAX-it signs on the Lower/Arrivals Level in front of each terminal.

        LAX-it round logo

        Click the image above for the Waiting Area Map


        Accessible Taxicab

        If you need an accessible taxicab, call taxi dispatch (310-646-9177). An accessible taxicab will be dispatched from the holding lot to the LAX Central Terminal Area nearest ACCESS location indicated by the DARK BLUE sign at terminal curbside. Service Animals are allowed in taxis at no extra charge.


        Accessible Taxicab

        DARK BLUE
        Click the image above for the Waiting Area Map


        Authorized taxicab companies serving LAX

        Only authorized taxis with an official seal issued by City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation on each vehicle are permitted to pick up at the airport.

        Authorized Taxicab Supervision (ATS)- taxicab management and dispatch services : 310-646-9177

        • Bell Cab Company
        • Beverly Hills Cab Company
        • City Cab
        • Independent Taxi
        • LA Checker Cab
        • United Checker Cab
        • United Independent Taxi Drivers (UITD)
        • United Taxi of San Fernando Valley (UTSFV)
        • Yellow Cab

        Tipping for service is customary but is NOT required at the airport. Wheelchair service, airport van service and airport shuttle service to and from parking lots is provided FREE of charge by your airline and/or the Airport.

        You are encouraged to notify the ADA COORDINATORS OFFICE if you are solicited for a tip


          Click on parking map to view real time availability.






          Street View Pegman ControlPegman is on top of the MapStreet View Pegman Control
          Map data ©2025 Google
          Map data ©2025 Google

          100 m 


          LAX has a 24-hour LAX Cell Phone Waiting Lot where motorists meeting arriving passengers can wait for free, up to two hours, until passengers call to say they are ready to be picked up in the Central Terminal Area.

          Located one-quarter mile from the 96th Street Bridge entrance into LAX’s passenger terminal area. It is easily accessible from the north and east by motorists using La Tijera, Sepulveda, Manchester and Century Boulevards to access LAX.

          No commercial vehicles or ride-service vehicles allowed. Vehicles in the LAX Cell Phone Waiting Lot must be attended at all times. No parking is allowed in or around this facility.

          Click on the image for LAX Cell Phone Waiting Lot


          LAX Aerial Terminal and Parking Map


          All vehicles displaying disability placards or license plates may park in parking structures and economy lot and pay the posted fee.


          Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Available at LAX!

          As part of its Smart Parking project, LAWA will be adding about 500 EV chargers at various locations within the Central Terminal Garages and in LAX Economy Parking facility. EV users will also have the capability to book EV parking in advance and guarantee their space once the new Smart Parking products come online. New rates will apply based upon access and usage (kWh). Please visit our website periodically for any updates regarding upcoming new EV Smart Parking products and availability of new EV chargers for each respective location/garage.

          EV Charging Locations
          Following is the new EV charging equipment that will be installed for each CTA garage:

          • P1 — 100 L2, 2 DCFC
          • P2A — 80 L2, 1 DCFC
          • P2B — 40 L2
          • P3 — 73 L2, 1 DCFC
          • P4 — 89 L2, 1 DCFC
          • P5 — 55 L2 (available starting 10/19/2021)
          • P6 — 114 L2, 1 DCFC (unavailable starting 10/19/2021)
          • P7 — 186 L2, 2 DCFC

          EV User Guidelines (New!)
          EV Charger Guidelines 

          EV Charging Rates
          $2 Service fee plus 0.45 per kWh

          Questions? Please email or call 310-646-2911 to speak with a representative.


          Parking for motorcycles is free in all General Parking and Premium areas of the Central Terminal Area parking structures. Free parking is NOT available in Valet areas.

          When entering, drive carefully around the entrance gate arm and DO NOT take a ticket.  Do not park in a space for a car.  A motorcycle may be parked at the ends of rows, in corners, and in other spaces provided it does not block access to parked vehicles, handicapped spaces, Smarte Carte machines, passenger traffic, paths for the disabled, automobile traffic, doors, elevators, driveways, etc.  Parking violations will be issued to all offenders (Vehicle code 22507.8(b) & (c)). When exiting, drive carefully around the exit gate arms.  Entering/exiting a lot via a sidewalk is not allowed.



          Central Terminal Area (CTA) Parking Structures
          Drive-up General Parking New rates effective 11/14/2022)

          • 15 Minutes Free Parking
          • $9 First hour or fraction thereof
          • $7 Each 30 minutes after the first hour
          • $60 Maximum for each 24 hour period

          Premium Parking - Available in P1 (New rates effective 11/14/2022)

          • 15 Minutes Free Parking
          • $11 First hour or fraction thereof
          • $9 Each 30 minutes after the first hour
          • $70 Maximum for each 24 hour period

          Now Available!

          • Reserved Parking (up to 70% discount)
          • Valet - Available in P1, P2A, and P4 (New rates effective 11/14/2022) $75 Maximum for each 24-hour period.


          LAX Economy Parking (Drive-up General Parking)
          Drive-up General Parking (New rates effective 11/14/2022)

          • $8 First hour or fraction thereof
          • $7 Each 30 minutes after the first hour
          • $35 Maximum for each 24 hour period


          For any questions, please contact ABM at 310-646-2911


          Nearly 8,000 parking stalls are available in eight parking structures located opposite the roadways from the passenger terminals. Parking is available for extended stays and overnight trips.

          All vehicles entering the Central Terminal Area are subject to random inspection.


          Vertical Clearances 

          All CTA parking structure entrances are clearly marked with vertical clearances.  

          • Parking Structures 1, 2A, 3, 4, 6 and 7 have a maximum vehicle height restriction of 8 feet, 2 inches.
          • Parking Structures 2B and 5 have a maximum vehicle height restriction of 7 feet.

          Official LAX economy parking has more than 4,000 parking stalls available, including EV charging stalls. Parking is available for extended stays and overnight trips.

          Vertical Clearances
          The LAX Economy Parking structure level entrances are clearly marked with vertical clearances.

          • Level 1 - 14 feet
          • Levels 2, 3 and 4 - 8 feet 1 inch

          All individuals (including persons with disabilities) who pull a parking stub and pass through a gate arm into a parking structure are required to pay the posted parking rates. 

          LAX Economy Parking (Drive-up General Parking)
          Drive-up General Parking (New rates effective 11/14/2022)

          • $8 First hour or fraction thereof
          • $7 Each 30 minutes after the first hour
          • $35 Maximum for each 24 hour period

          For any questions, please contact ABM at 310-646-2911

          LAWA ADA Program

            If you have a disability, difficulty walking, cognition issues, or are a senior citizen we need your input! 

            In our desire to make your future airport experience more pleasant, we request you take less than 10 minutes to complete LAX’s online: 

            Disability Services Survey

            Los Angeles Abilities Expo Survey 

            Thank you! 

            Autism signThe self-identification program is the result of LAWA and its partners soliciting information from families with autism. Parents at LeRoy Haynes Center in La Verne, California, expressed the need for such a program at a forum with LAWA Disabilities Office and airline representatives. The need for a self-identification was further reinforced from reading newspaper accounts of incidents between authorities and persons with autism. 

            How the program works:
            Participation is totally voluntary.
            Family must self-identify at the ticket counter.
            Two stickers will be issued per person benefiting from the program.
            One sticker is placed on the upper right chest
            One sticker is placed on the upper right back
            The stickers and program are recognized at LAWA only. We will be making an effort to expand the self-identification program nationwide.
            Only airlines that indicated they wanted to participate are part of the self-identification program. As new airlines join in, they will be added to the LAWA ADA website.
            Click here for more information   Click here for a brochure 

            Participating Airlines at Los Angeles International Airport
            (Check the list regularly for updates on the partner list) 

            As of today, the following airlines are participating in the voluntary self-identification program for travelers with autism:
            American Airlines
            American Airlines (Ontario)
            Air New Zealand
            United Airlines
            Southwest Airlines
            Southwest Airlines (Ontario)
            Copa Airlines
            Virgin America
            China Southern
            Delta Airlines (Ontario only)
            Alaska Airlines (Ontario only)
            Other partners include:
            Los Angeles World Airports
            Haynes Family of Services
            Parents from LeRoy Haynes Center
            Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
            Aero Port Services (APS)
            Reliant Immediate Care Medical Center
            Los Angeles Airport Police
            Los Angeles Fire Department

            Participating Airlines at LA/Ontario International Airport 

            We encourage your input and suggestions on making air travel easier for families with autism. Both LAWA and partner airlines view service to persons with disabilities as an important mission which they take very seriously.

            LAWA ADA Committee

              Autism signThe self-identification program is the result of LAWA and its partners soliciting information from families with autism. Parents at LeRoy Haynes Center in La Verne, California, expressed the need for such a program at a forum with LAWA Disabilities Office and airline representatives. The need for a self-identification was further reinforced from reading newspaper accounts of incidents between authorities and persons with autism. 

              How the program works:
              Participation is totally voluntary.
              Family must self-identify at the ticket counter.
              Two stickers will be issued per person benefiting from the program.
              One sticker is placed on the upper right chest
              One sticker is placed on the upper right back
              The stickers and program are recognized at LAWA only. We will be making an effort to expand the self-identification program nationwide.
              Only airlines that indicated they wanted to participate are part of the self-identification program. As new airlines join in, they will be added to the LAWA ADA website.
              Click here for more information   Click here for a brochure 

              Participating Airlines at Los Angeles International Airport
              (Check the list regularly for updates on the partner list) 

              As of today, the following airlines are participating in the voluntary self-identification program for travelers with autism:
              American Airlines
              American Airlines (Ontario)
              Air New Zealand
              United Airlines
              Southwest Airlines
              Southwest Airlines (Ontario)
              Copa Airlines
              Virgin America
              China Southern
              Delta Airlines (Ontario only)
              Alaska Airlines (Ontario only)
              Other partners include:
              Los Angeles World Airports
              Haynes Family of Services
              Parents from LeRoy Haynes Center
              Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
              Aero Port Services (APS)
              Reliant Immediate Care Medical Center
              Los Angeles Airport Police
              Los Angeles Fire Department

              Participating Airlines at LA/Ontario International Airport 

              We encourage your input and suggestions on making air travel easier for families with autism. Both LAWA and partner airlines view service to persons with disabilities as an important mission which they take very seriously.

              LAWA ADA Office

                To provide an enjoyable travel experience and equal access to "special needs" travelers using LAWA airports and facilities. 

                LAWA's ADA Office is mandated under the Air Carrier Access Act* (ACAA) with ensuring airport facilities are accessible to individuals with special needs. This includes removal of barriers that may make it more difficult for a person with a disability to move freely in LAWA airports. 

                The Office works closely with the airport tenant community to ensure compliance with the ACAA. The Office assists travelers and tenants in resolving disputes regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). It also works closely with the airport community to address ways of improving service and communications with the special needs community. 

                *Airport version of the ADA

                - Advising management and appropriate divisions about new regulations and ways to address service needs of disabled travelers. 

                - Working with stakeholders in ways to educate employees about serving people with special needs. 

                - Preparing publications for distribution to the community on airport services for disabled travelers. 

                LAWA'S ADA OFFICE does NOT handle employee disability issues. Under the ACAA the office addresses issues pertaining to travelers with disabilities/special needs.

                Disability Services at Airport


                  Adult Changing Stations are available in the following locations:

                  • Terminal 1 (Post screening) – Near Gate 14
                  • Terminal 6 (Pre screening) – In Baggage Claim near elevators
                  • Tom Bradley International Terminal (Post screening) – Across from Gate 201A

                  Departing passengers


                  Disabled passengers are dropped off on the DEPARTURES level, also known as the upper level. 


                  Accessible drop-off points are found throughout the departures level for disabled travelers who may require the use of an accessible ramp. These locations are identified by blue signs with the International Symbol of Accessibility (ISA) and wording that reads “PASSENGER LOADING ZONE ONLY.” 


                  Curb sign for loading passengers with a disability



                  Arriving passengers 


                  Arriving passengers can meet their ride on the ARRIVALS level (also known as the lower level). Simply tell your ride that you will be waiting by the PASSENGER LOADING ZONE sign with the ISA symbol. These locations are also used as ACCESS SERVICES / PARATRANSIT passenger pick-up points. 


                  NOTE: Some terminals have more than one PASSENGER LOADING ZONE with the ISA symbol. It is therefore suggested you tell your ride that you are at the first sign in front of the terminal, middle sign or the sign at the far end of the terminal. 

                  Curb sign designated for loading passengers with a disability


                  (The information does not include planned / future family restrooms)


























                  (Baggage Claim)


                  Bus Gates


                  1(in international terminal)




















                  (Baggage Claim)



                  A first aid station is located on the Upper/Departures Level of Tom Bradley International Terminal, and is open every day from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Call (310) 215-6000. In emergencies, contact any airport employee or call LAX Airport Police at (310) 646-7911 (voice) or (310) 417-0439 (TTY). 

                  Nearby hospitals provide 24-hour emergency service near the airport.

                  To obtain travel immunizations or other nonemergency needs, Reliant Immediate Care Group serves LAX. It is located at 5901 W. Century Blvd., physicians are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For information, call (310) 215-6000.

                  Reliant Immediate Care Medical Group, Inc.

                  5901 W Century Blvd 
                  Los Angeles, CA 90045
                  Phone: (310) 215-6000

                  Services Offered 24 Hours Per Day

                  Urgent Care
                  Occupational Medicine
                  Work Comp Injury or Illness Treatment
                  Work Comp First Aid Programs
                  Substance Abuse Testing
                  Pre-employment Physical Exams
                  Medical Surveillance Exams
                  Physical Therapy
                  Orthopedic Services
                  Job Site Injury Prevention & Education
                  Travel Vaccines
                  Flu Vaccinations


                  If you use this service in your area, you may be eligible to use the service in Los Angeles.


                  Access is the service name of the ADA Complementary Paratransit service for functionally disabled individuals in Los Angeles County. Access transportation service is available for any ADA paratransit eligible individual to any location within ¾ of a mile of any fixed bus operated by the Los Angeles County public fixed route bus operators and within ¾ of a mile around METRO Rail stations during the hours that the systems are operational. 


                  For more information: 




                  As an Access Paratransit rider, you are eligible for ADA Paratransit service outside of Los Angeles County. The ADA says you can have 21 days of visitor status (in any 12 month period) in areas outside our service area. Please call the ADA Paratransit system in the area you will be visiting for more information. Access Services will forward your ADA eligibility information to an out-of-area service provider upon request. 


                  Visitor Information


                  Eligible visitors will be served for a period of 21 days - during any 12 month period

                  1. Individuals from outside Los Angeles County service area will be served by Access Paratransit as ADA Visitors if they are unable to use accessible, fixed route transportation services due to disability related functional limitations.
                  2. According to ADA regulations, an individual residing outside of the area served by Access Paratransit is eligible for complementary paratransit service as a visitor.
                    1. If the individual presents documentation of ADA paratransit eligibility from his or her home jurisdiction.
                    2. If the individual has no such documentation (of ADA paratransit eligibility), then the individual is to provide documentation of residence outside of L.A. County and, if the individual’s disability is not apparent, proof of the disability. This might include, for example, a letter from a doctor.
                  4. To request visitor status, contact Access Customer Service by phone, mail, fax, or text phone. Please be prepared to give:
                    1. Information verifying eligibility as an ADA eligibility from outside of Los Angeles County or
                    2. Evidence of disability as described in 2a and 2b above.
                    3. Expected dates when visitor desires to use Access.
                    4. Access Customer Service will process the application promptly.
                  6. The visitor will be notified of the determination regarding status as an ADA eligible visitor and if eligible, information will be entered into the rider database.


                  THE FARE

                  The Access Services fare must be paid at the time you get in the vehicle with the exact cash fare, Access Services coupons or with MTA bus tokens. Drivers cannot give change. Effective July 1, 2009, your one-way fare is based on the distance you travel. 


                  The Reservationist will tell you your fare when you schedule your trip. 


                  Rate Charges

                  DISTANCE IN MILES


                  0 to 19.9


                  20 or greater




                  REMINDER: Access Services drivers do not accept credit cards, tips, or gratuities. Please do not offer. 

                  It is easy to request an accessible taxi. Go outside the arrivals level to the taxi pick-up stand, and ask the dispatcher to order an accessible taxi for you. A taxi will be dispatched from the holding lot. The waiting time for the accessible taxi should be quite short since taxis are dispatched directly from the airport’s holding lot which is adjacent to the terminals. Service Animals are allowed in taxis.

                  Tipping for service is customary but is NOT required at the airport. Wheelchair service, airport van service and airport shuttle service to and from parking lots is provided FREE of charge by your airline and or the Airport. 


                  You are encouraged to notify the ADA COORDINATORS OFFICE if you are solicited for a tip. Just go to the Travelers Feedback Form from the Comments/Contact Us in footer.

                  TSA Cares is a helpline to assist travelers with disabilities and medical conditions. TSA recommends that passengers call 72 hours ahead of travel with questions about screening policies, procedures and what to expect at the security checkpoint. TSA Cares will serve as an additional, dedicated resource specifically for passengers with disabilities, medical conditions or other circumstances or their loved ones who want to prepare for the screening process prior to flying. 

                  The hours of operation for TSA Cares helpline are Monday through Friday 8 a.m. – 11 p.m. EST and weekends and Holidays 9 a.m. – 8p.m. EST. Travelers who are deaf or hard of hearing can use a relay service to contact TSA Cares or can e-mail  

                  Check the internet under: WHEELCHAIR RENTAL LOS ANGELES

                   Requesting a Wheelchair

                  To Request wheelchair service, it is recommended you contact your airline 72 hours in advance. Wheelchair service is provide free of charge by your airline. Tipping is not required for wheelchair service. Most individuals requesting wheelchair assistance are transported via wheelchair from ticketing to their aircraft. Airlines are required to provide curbside wheelchair service when requested. On your return flight, you should remind a flight attendant near the end of your flight, that you will need a wheelchair upon arrival.


                  Each airline is responsible for providing wheelchairs for their customers with disabilities, from curbside drop-off to the aircraft. Contact your airline's reservation desk a minimum of 72 hours prior to your flight to reserve wheelchair service. Wheelchair service is provided free of charge. Tipping is not required.

                  From Parking Structure

                  Airlines are not responsible for providing wheelchair service from parking structures to terminals.

                  Please click here

                  ADA Complaint

                  ADA Complaint Procedures

                  In accordance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, it is the intention of Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) to provide access to all public facilities, programs and services associated with its operation of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) to all persons with disabilities.

                  The LAWA American with Disabilities Act Coordinator is responsible for administering the airport’s overall compliance program, and is designated, in accordance with the federal regulation under the ADA, to coordinate the LAWA efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under the Act, including investigation of any complaint communicated to the airport alleging the denial of access to any airport service or program, based on disability.

                  Click on “COMMENTS AND COMPLAINTS” below for Disability contact information and for filing a complaint or grievance.



                    Los Angeles World Airports
                    Complaint Procedure under the
                    Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

                    Filing a complaint

                    To file a complaint alleging denial of access to a LAWA program or service based on disability, a person should complete the ADA Travelers Feedback Form (Form) found at and forward it to the ADA Coordinator by clicking the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the Form. The form may also be mailed to:

                    Cassandra Heredia
                    LAWA ADA Coordinator
                    Los Angeles World Airports
                    1 World Way
                    Los Angeles, CA 90045

                    The completed Form must contain the name, address, e-mail address, and phone number of the complainant. The Form should include as much information as possible regarding the alleged denial of access including date, time, location, and a clear description of the denial of access.


                    The complaint must be received by the ADA Coordinator no later than 30 days following the alleged incident.

                    Upon receipt of a complaint, the ADA Coordinator will review the completed Form within ten work days. If additional information is required, the ADA Coordinator will contact the complainant and ask that the additional information be provided in writing. No further action will be taken until the requested information is received by the ADA Coordinator.

                    Once the completed Form has been received, the ADA Coordinator will work with affected parties to identify and implement a mutually agreed upon resolution within 30 business days of receipt of the completed Form and any additional information.

                    If further investigation is necessary, the ADA Coordinator will issue a “Notice of Continued Investigation” not later than 30 work days after receiving the completed Form.

                    LAWA encourages an informal resolution of all complaints and grievances. The ADA Coordinator will issue a written decision within 60 business days of the receipt of the completed Form.

                    Not later than 30 calendar days from receipt of the ADA Coordinator’s decision, the complainant or authorized representative may appeal that decision in writing to Tom Ihle, LAWA ADA Airport Manager, Los Angeles World Airports, 1 World Way, Los Angeles, CA 90045.

                    Within 30 days of receipt of this appeal, the COO or her designee will contact the grievant to discuss the complaint and possible resolution and, within 30 days thereafter, will submit LAWA’s final decision to the complainant.

                    All written and/or recorded communications will be retained by LAWA for a period of five years from the date of the ADA Coordinator’s decision or the date of the director’s decision, whichever is later.

                    The filing of a complaint does not prevent an individual from filing a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice, ADA Enforcement Division or with the Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Civil Rights.

                    GOT COMMENTS OR COMPLAINTS


                    Cassandra Heredia
                    LAWA ADA Coordinator
                    Los Angeles World Airports
                    1 World Way
                    Los Angeles, CA 90045
                    Direct: (424) 646-5005 |

                    CALIFORNIA RELAY SERVICE

                    (800) 735-2029 or 7-1-1
                    (800) 854-7784 (Speech-to Speech)
                    (800) 855-3000 (Spanish) 

                    Useful Government Services


                      GLOBAL ENTRY PROGRAM

                      Signage guiding those with GloalEntry access.

                      GLOBAL ENTRY
                      Global Entry is a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) program that allows expedited clearance for pre-approved, low-risk travelers upon arrival in the United States. Members enter the United States through automatic kiosks at select airports.

                      At airports, program members proceed to Global Entry kiosks, present their machine-readable passport or U.S. permanent resident card, place their fingerprints on the scanner for fingerprint verification and complete a customs declaration. The kiosk issues the traveler a transaction receipt and directs the traveler to baggage claim and the exit.

                      Travelers must be pre-approved for the Global Entry program. All applicants undergo a rigorous background check and in-person interview before enrollment.

                      While Global Entry’s goal is to speed travelers through the process, members may still be selected for further examination when entering the United States. Any violation of the program’s terms and conditions will result in the appropriate enforcement action and termination of the traveler’s membership privileges.

                      How to Apply for Global Entry

                      Before you  apply, make sure you are eligible for Global Entry.

                      It’s easy. Just follow these steps:

                      Create a Global Online Enrollment System(GOES) account. Regardless of your age, you must have your own GOES account.
                      Log in to your GOES account and complete the application. A $100 non-refundable fee is required with each completed application.
                      After accepting your completed application and fee, CBP will review your application. If your application is conditionally approved, then your GOES account will instruct you to schedule rel="noopener noreferrer" an interview at a Global Entry Enrollment Center. Each applicant must schedule a separate interview.
                      You will need to bring your valid passport(s) and one other form of identification, such as a driver’s license or ID card to the interview. If you are a lawful permanent resident, you must present your permanent resident card.

                      To Apply Go Here

                      Global Entry Application


                      TSA Cares logo and phone number 855-787-2227

                      TSA Cares is a helpline to assist travelers with disabilities and medical conditions. TSA recommends that passengers call 72 hours ahead of travel with questions about screening policies, procedures and what to expect at the security checkpoint. TSA Cares will serve as an additional, dedicated resource specifically for passengers with disabilities, medical conditions or other circumstances or their loved ones who want to prepare for the screening process prior to flying.

                      SA Cares is a helpline to assist travelers with disabilities and medical conditions. TSA recommends that passengers call 72 hours ahead of travel with questions about screening policies, procedures and what to expect at the security checkpoint. TSA Cares will serve as an additional, dedicated resource specifically for passengers with disabilities, medical conditions or other circumstances or their loved ones who want to prepare for the screening process prior to flying.

                      The hours of operation for TSA Cares helpline are Monday through Friday 8 a.m. – 11 p.m. EST and weekends and Holidays 9 a.m. – 8p.m. EST. Travelers who are deaf or hard of hearing can use a relay service to contact TSA Cares or can e-mail

                      ADA News

                      TSA PUBLIC FORUM AT LAX ON 1 MAY 2015

                      The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) invites you to a Roundtable to discuss the agency's new initiatives affecting seniors, passengers with disabilities or medical conditions and multicultural passengers.

                      The meeting will be held at: Los Angeles International Airport Samuel Greenberg Room on Friday, May 1, 2015, from 10:00 a.m. to noon.

                      Speakers will include Senior Leadership from TSA LAX, Kimberly Bandy and Bryan W. Hudson from TSA's Multicultural Branch, and Julie Bahrami and Zachary Bromer from TSA's Disability Branch. Both the Disability and Multicultural Branches are located within TSA's Office of Civil Rights & Liberties, Ombudsman and Traveler Engagement, which is located at TSA Headquarters in Washington, D.C.


                      1. Risk-Based Security, including TSA Precheck

                      2. How TSA enforces civil rights and liberties

                      3. TSA Cares Help Line and Passenger Support Specialists

                      4. Q&A

                      We think you will find this an informative engagement and hope someone from your organization can attend. Please RSVP by April 20, 2015 with the name(s) of your representative(s) to Danielle Bean, LAX Stakeholder Manager, at: Once all RSVPs have been received further information on parking and location will be provided. If a reasonable accommodation is required please include this information as well.

                      More Useful Travel Information

                        Los Angeles World Airports does not endorse commercial sites or products that may appear in this section. Websites with ads were included because an article or travel tips may benefit some travelers with disabilities.

                        U.S. DISABILITY REGULATIONS

                        The following is advice from the U. S. State Department for Travelers with Disabilities

                        Research Your Destination

                        Each country has its own standards of accessibility for persons with disabilities. Before you travel, visit and enter a country or area to find information for mobility-impaired travelers in the Special Laws & Circumstances section. Unlike the United States, many countries do not legally require accommodations for persons with disabilities.

                        INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL

                        DOMESTIC TRAVEL

                        GENERAL TRAVEL

                        Researching foreign destinations

                        Autism and Flight Experience Sign-up

                          When traveling with a loved one who has autism, you should contact TSA CARES at 1-855-787-2227 to arrange for special screening at the airport. We recommend you call a minimum of three days prior to your scheduled flight to arrange for screening.

                          Go to for more information.

                          SERVICE ANIMALS

                          ANIMAL RELIEF STATIONS - Outdoors

                          LAX has two outdoor animal relief station conveniently located at the west end of Parking Structure Six (across the street from terminals five and six). A second outside animal relief station is located outside just east of Terminal Eight. Each outdoor relief station has a box containing bags for easy disposal of waste.

                          Links to the interactive map:


                          ANIMAL RELIEF STATIONS - Indoors

                          Animal relief stations are located in each terminal past security.

                          Links to the interactive map:


                          Know the LAW

                          In California it is a crime to falsely claim a pet as a service animal.

                          Any person who knowingly and fraudulently represents himself or herself, through verbal or written notice, to be the owner or trainer of any canine licensed as, to be qualified as, or identified as, a guide, signal, or service dog, as defined in subdivisions (d), (e), and (f) of Section 365.5 and paragraph (6) of subdivision (b) of Section 54.1 of the Civil Code, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months, by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment. California Penal Code Section 365.7(a)

                          Service Animals under the Air Carrier Access Act
                          A service animal is an animal that performs a task or tasks for a person with a disability to help overcome limitations resulting from the disability. Federal law defines service animal as “any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including, but not limited to, guiding individuals with impaired vision, alerting individuals with impaired hearing to intruders or sounds, providing minimal protection or rescue work, pulling a wheelchair, or fetching dropped items” Service Animals are allowed in all areas of the airport

                          For your convenience we have provided federal regulations pertaining to service animals found in the Air Carrier Access Act which went into effect on 13 May 2008. We have highlighted some parts of the regulations to make finding common questions easier

                          Sec. 382.117 Must carriers permit passengers with a disability to travel with service animals?
                          (a) As a carrier, you must permit a service animal to accompany a passenger with a disability

                          (1) You must not deny transportation to a service animal on the basis that its carriage may offend or annoy carrier personnel or persons traveling on the aircraft

                          (2) On a flight segment scheduled to take 8 hours or more, you may, as a condition of permitting a service animal to travel in the cabin, require the passenger using the service animal to provide documentation that the animal will not need to relieve itself on the flight or that the animal can relieve itself in a way that does not create a health or sanitation issue on the flight

                          (b) You must permit the service animal to accompany the passenger with a disability at any seat in which the passenger sits, unless the animal obstructs an aisle or other area that must remain unobstructed to facilitate an emergency evacuation

                          (c) If a service animal cannot be accommodated at the seat location of the passenger with a disability who is using the animal, you must offer the passenger the opportunity to move with the animal to another seat location, if present on the aircraft, where the animal can be accommodated

                          (d) As evidence that an animal is a service animal, you must accept identification cards, other written documentation, presence of harnesses, tags, or the credible verbal assurances of a qualified individual with a disability using the animal

                          (e) If a passenger seeks to travel with an animal that is used as an emotional support or psychiatric service animal, you are not required to accept the animal for transportation in the cabin unless the passenger provides you current documentation (i.e., no older than one year from the date of the passenger's scheduled initial flight) on the letterhead of a licensed mental health professional (e.g., psychiatrist, psychologist, licensed clinical social worker) stating the following:

                          (1) The passenger has a mental or emotional disability recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders--Fourth Edition (DSM IV);

                          (2) The passenger needs the emotional support or psychiatric service animal as an accommodation for air travel and/or for activity at the passenger's destination;

                          (3) The individual providing the assessment is a licensed mental health professional, and the passenger is under his or her professional care; and

                          (4) The date and type of the mental health professional's license and the state or other jurisdiction in which it was issued.

                          (f) You are never required to accommodate certain unusual service animals (e.g., snakes, other reptiles, ferrets, rodents, and spiders) as service animals in the cabin. With respect to other unusual or exotic animals that are presented as service animals (e.g., miniature horses, pigs, monkeys), as a U.S. carrier you must determine whether any factors preclude their traveling in the cabin as service animals (e.g., whether the animal is too large or heavy to be accommodated in the cabin, whether the animal would pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others, whether it would cause a significant disruption of cabin service, whether it would be prohibited from entering a foreign country that is the flight's destination). If no such factors preclude the animal from traveling in the cabin, you must permit it to do so. As a foreign carrier, you are not required to carry service animals other than dogs.

                          (g) Whenever you decide not to accept an animal as a service animal, you must explain the reason for your decision to the passenger and document it in writing. A copy of the explanation must be provided to the passenger either at the airport, or within 10 calendar days of the incident.

                          (h) You must promptly take all steps necessary to comply with foreign regulations (e.g., animal health regulations) needed to permit the legal transportation of a passenger's service animal from the U.S. into a foreign airport.

                          (i) Guidance concerning the carriage of service animals generally is found in the preamble of this rule. Guidance on the steps necessary to legally transport service animals on flights from the U.S. into the United Kingdom is found in 72 FR 8268-8277, (February 26, 2007).